Me#2 There is a time for everything.

When is it time to persevere, work harder, fight the battle, win the war? And when is it time to take a break? And when is it time to surrender, give up and abandon? Right now I’m experiencing such an odd sense of peace/relief. My plans have not succeeded within the anticipated timeline. I haveContinue reading “Me#2 There is a time for everything.”

Wisdom#14 •Death•

Death is multidimensional. It can be viewed simply as someone passing away. Or as someone being taken away. A physical relationship severed. An end. A transition. A beginning. It makes me think, what have those who do not believe in an afterlife have to hope for? What do we hope for? What do I hopeContinue reading “Wisdom#14 •Death•”

Me #1 Knight in battle-tested armor.

Walk with me a little while I’m not a knight in shining armor. My armor is in fact, dented and dull from the battles I’ve fought. I’m not always easy to get along-with, not always patient and kind hearted, not always a gentlemen. I don’t will the good of everyone like I should. I useContinue reading “Me #1 Knight in battle-tested armor.”

Wisdom#4 Advice for a friend

The reality of life is that you should be figuring out what you’re doing with life every so often over the next couple of years. You are not a failure. Even if you do fail at something, make sure you learn from the experience. This way, you’re bettering yourself, and in life you’re a success.Continue reading “Wisdom#4 Advice for a friend”

To God my C R E A T O R

I’m a Maker, like my C R E A T O R, who took of the red earth and breathed life into it, who took of my ribs and fashioned a companion, who commands light and dark, sky, land and sea, forna and flora. His gift; my talent and passion: to illustrate, to write, toContinue reading “To God my C R E A T O R”


Since it was Mothers Day yesterday, I’d like write a short piece tributes to my mom. My mom is truly incredible, someone I’ve never be able to fully repay for all she’s done for my sister and I. My father passed away in a boating accident just over 20 years ago, which left my momContinue reading “My SUPER MOM”