Theology of the Body

Theology of the Body is the focus of a series of talks delivered by Pope John Paul II during his weekly Wednesday night Audiences over 5 years (1978-1984).

Theology of the Body is the focus of a series of talks delivered by Pope John Paul II during his weekly Wednesday night Audiences over 5 years (1978-1984).

In Theology of the Body, John Paul II intended to establish an adequate anthropology in which the human body reveals God. He examines man and woman before the Fall, after it, and at the resurrection of the dead. He also contemplates the sexual complementary of man and woman. He explores the nature of marriage, celibacy and the redemption of the body, and expands on the teachings in Humanae vitae on contraception. 

It is an integrated vision of the human person, body and soul referring to numerous Scriptural references where fundamental questions are asked of human life such as:

  • Why were we created male and female? 
  • Does it really matter if we are one sex or another?
  • What does the marital union of a man and woman say to us about God and His plan for our lives?
  • Is there a real purpose to life and if so, what is it? 
  • What is the purpose of the married and celibate vocations? 
  • What exactly is “love” and how is this applied in the vocations of marriage and celibacy?
  • Is it truly possible to be pure of heart?